What is Quality Management Systems (ISO 9001)?
ISO 9001 is a series of Quality Management Systems (QMS) Standard created by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), a federation of 132 national standards bodies. The ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems standards are not specific to products or services, but apply to the processes that create them. The standards are generic in nature so that they can be used by manufacturing and service industries anywhere in the world.
ISO 9001 is an internationally-recognized standard for business management, which ensures that businesses are operating to the same standards of meeting customers requirements. Its purpose is to define, identify and confirm quality benchmarks within organizations. It applies to the processes that create and control the products and services an organization supplies. It prescribes systematic control of activities to ensure that the needs and expectations of customers are met. It is designed and intended to apply to virtually any product or service, made by any process anywhere in the world. The strategic use of ISO 9001 can make a significant different to the annual turnover of an organization, sometimes the difference between success and failure.
Benefit of Quality Management Systems
A well designed and implemented Quality Management Systems has been shown to provide organizations with the following benefits:
ISO 9001 is a series of Quality Management Systems (QMS) Standard created by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), a federation of 132 national standards bodies. The ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems standards are not specific to products or services, but apply to the processes that create them. The standards are generic in nature so that they can be used by manufacturing and service industries anywhere in the world.
ISO 9001 is an internationally-recognized standard for business management, which ensures that businesses are operating to the same standards of meeting customers requirements. Its purpose is to define, identify and confirm quality benchmarks within organizations. It applies to the processes that create and control the products and services an organization supplies. It prescribes systematic control of activities to ensure that the needs and expectations of customers are met. It is designed and intended to apply to virtually any product or service, made by any process anywhere in the world. The strategic use of ISO 9001 can make a significant different to the annual turnover of an organization, sometimes the difference between success and failure.
Benefit of Quality Management Systems
A well designed and implemented Quality Management Systems has been shown to provide organizations with the following benefits:
- Organizations implementing ISO 9001 and obtain registration will assures customers that the company has a good Quality Management Systems in place. An organization with an effective QMS will typically meet customer expectations better than an organization that does not have an effective QMS.
- An ISO 9001 certificate enhances organization image in the eyes of customers, employees and shareholders alike.
- Assess the overall context of your organization to define who is affected by your work and what they expect of you. This will enable an organization to address its’ risks and opportunities
- ISO 9001 certified organizations experience increased productivity and improved financial performance, compare to uncertified organizations.
- An organization with ISO 9001 certification has a competitive edge over nonqualified companies. They can make claims about quality; ISO 9001 certified companies have proof of their commitment to quality and continual improvement.
- Mutually beneficial supplier relationships are one of the key attractions to ISO 9001 certification. Many organizations require their suppliers to have ISO 9001 Registration.
- ISO 9001 can help organization to manage their processes to become more efficient and cost-effective. From this, improvements can be developed, resulting in less waste, inappropriate or rejected work and fewer complaints. Customers will notice that orders are met consistently, on time and to the correct specification. This can open up the market place to increased opportunities.